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TachoSil® Fibrin Sealant Patch is a collagen patch coated with physiologic coagulation factors. It has unique mechanical, hemostatic, and occulsive properties and can therefore be used in a wide range of open and minimally invasive surgical procedures. Whith fibrinogen and thrombin, TachoSil® mimics the last part of the physiologic coagulation cascade. Hemostasis and sealing in one – with prove efficacy and safety.

How it works

TachoSil (R) has been manufactured in Linz, Austria since 2004. This best-in-class hemostatic and sealant patch is manufactured in class C cleanrooms.


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Do not apply Tachosil® fibrin sealant patch intravascularly. Intravascular application of Tachosil® can result in life-threatening thromboembolic events. Thrombosis can occur if Tachosil® is exposed intravascularly. Ensure that Tachosil® is applied to the surface of cardiac, vascular or hepatic tissue only.


Do not use Tachosil® in individuals with known hypersensitivity to human blood products or horse proteins.


Can cause hypersensitivity or allergic/anaphylactoid reactions with first-time or repetitive application.


Avoid application to contaminated areas of the body or in the presence of active infection.


Tachosil® contains collagen which may adhere to bleeding surface. May carry a risk of gastrointestinal obstruction in abdominal surgery due to tissue adhesions. To prevent the development of tissue adhesions at undesired sites, ensure tissue areas outside the application area are adequately cleansed before administration of Tachosil®. Avoid packing in cavities or closed spaces because this may cause compression of underlying tissue. Use the least number of patches required to cover the entire bleeding area. Do not pack. Remove any unattached pieces of Tachosil® fibrin sealant patch.


May carry a risk of transmitting infectious agents, such as viruses, and theoretically, the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) agent and the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) agents, despite manufacturing steps designed to reduce the risk of viral transmission.


The most common adverse reactions reported in >1% of patients during clinical trials were anemia, nausea and vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, increased white blood cell count, ascites, itching, atrial fibrillation, pleural effusion, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, wound infection, hypophosphatemia, urinary tract infection and post-procedural bile leakage in hepatic surgery.


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Indicated for use with manual compression in adult and pediatric patients as an adjunct to hemostasis in cardiovascular and hepatic surgery when control of bleeding by standard surgical techniques (such as suture, ligature or cautery) is ineffective or impractical.

Not for use in place of sutures or other forms of mechanical ligation in treatment of major arterial or venous bleeding. Not for use in children under one month of age.


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Full Prescribing Information: https://corza.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/6027464_1829_10_TachoSil-LFT-USA-clean.pdf


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Unsolicited Request for Off-Label Use: https://forms.zohopublic.com/corzamedical/form/UnsolicitedRequestsforOffLabelInformation/formperma/O6YtaJvqzuMzP9qo0rmyACFbfTBamP3uGoGg5K9M5ls


1. (Maisano F, et al. TachoSil surgical patch versus conventional haemostatic fleece material for control of bleeding in cardiovascular surgery: a randomised controlled trial. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Oct;36(4):708-14.)


2. Genyk Y, Kato T, Pomposelli JJ, Wright JK Jr, Sher LS, Tetens V, Chapman WC. Fibrin Sealant Patch (TachoSil) vs Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose Patch (Surgicel Original) for the Secondary Treatment of Local Bleeding in Patients Undergoing Hepatic Resection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Coll Surg. 2016 Mar;222(3):261-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2015.12.007. Epub 2015 Dec 18.