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Plastic Surgery

We know the importance of closure in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. Our specially designed cosmetic needles are produced with an alloy that maintains its sharpness and strength. No matter the procedure, we have the quality and cost-effective products to meet your aesthetic and reconstructive needs.

Barbed Suture

Time-saving tissue closure device

  • Unique barbed design reduces wound edge shearing, potentially improving scar formation and cosmesis
  • Shown to reduce closure time by as much as 50% in mastopexy, brachioplasty and abdominoplasty procedures1,2
  • Avoids purse string tissue – gathering effect often seen in MACS lifts and areolar closures
  1. Paul MD, Budd M. Evaluating the Quill™ self retaining system. www.plasticsurgerypractice.com
  2. 2. Leung JC, Ruff GL, Batchelor SD. Performance enhancement of a knotless suture via barb geometry modifications. 7th World Biomaterials Congress 2004 Proceedings. p.1587
Sharpoint family shot

Surgical Suture

Premium performance with outstanding pricing

  • Multi-layered silicone coated needles maintain sharpness throughout the procedure
  • Advanced needle geometry provides ease of penetration and minimal tissue damage
  • Proven performance with a competitive price

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